
Fall Fun
Starting in September 2024
Pumpkins, mums, cornstalks, Indian corn & straw bales will be available starting in September.
Bring the whole family to pick pumpkins in our pumpkin patch, visit our petting farm, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere at our farm.

Farm Market
Starting Late Summer 2024
Visit our farm market to stock up on produce, flowers, honey, maple syrup and other handmade baked goods specialties.
We are inviting other local farmers and artisans to join us at our farm market once per week to sell their goods. If you are interested in setting up a booth/tent, Contact us for more info! (Limited space available inside the greenhouse - first come, first serve).
Hard-dipped Ice Cream
Starting May 2024
Opening in May – we will be serving 16 varieties of hard-dipped ice cream!
Bring the whole family…. Or sneak out on your own 😊and enjoy a refreshing ice cream cone, sundae or rootbeer float! Ice cream will be available May-October.

U-Cut Flowers
Starting June-Frost
Visit our Farm to cut your own flowers! We have dozens of varieties and colors to suit everyone’s needs! Fill up a qt container for just $10. Larger 2 gallon buckets cost only $50! (You can fit approximately 8 qts in the bucket.)
Varieties include:
Cosmos, Zinnias, Dahlias, Gladiolas, Sunflowers, Marigolds, Snapdragons, salvia, coneflowers, and many more!! Stop by to see all the beautiful varieties! And new additions throughout the growing seasons!
Petting Farm
Summer 2024
Starting this summer, we will be introducing our new fuzzy friends to the petting farm! All animals will be cute and cuddly miniature breeds that your children will fall in love with!